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História de vida
Julho 26, 2000
Setembro 26, 2006

My life story . My name is Yusney Diaz,Iwas born in cuba in april 19,1988. I went to school there until i was nine years old,and my father won the visa lottery to come to the us. my life there was perfect I was not rich,but we had a plate in our table every night and a bed to sleep.However ,coming here had been a dream come true ,we though everything was going to be perfect .inthe other hand ,for me ,it was a difficult time; Idod not speak any english and starting school made me nervous and scared.Istarted in Henry H.Filer middel school, and the first weeks there were thorny ,I didn`t understand anyone nor anything, it was like if I was in a place were i was not welcomed. as the days passed ,i made friends ,who gradually helped me into knowing a bit more about the school, and the language .By the time,i had been a years in school and in the u.s .I had managed to learn the english basic, and was able to get out of ESOL classes . in 2002, i started high school, and for me that was the big step because i had to get trough those 4 years to be able to graduate.it was not hard to get  good grades ,but the FCAT kept putting me behind .My 4 yearsat miami springs senior ,were the oprnings phase of what would happen with my life,I learned about myself and got to know those wo were relly my friend .in my senior year ,i took work experience because i needed a job to pay for my stuff .i started in a mortgage office, then went into telemarketing ,and finally for about 9 months worked with miami dade county public school, As of now ,Im 18 years old ,just graduated from high school, currently  working full time in the mornings as the secretary at a radiator store , and it´s my first year at miami dade college ,I¨m here to fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor in general medicine.         podted by yusney at 5:52 pm

Outubro 4, 2006
                                           The Ideal Occupation
My ideal occupation is to be a Family Doctor.   There are several divisions of Medicine.  Each division plays a certain role in helping those who are in a medical emergency.   I would like to describe the position that I would like to have.  This is Family Practice Doctor.   This person is the first one to look at the patient, and determine what they have and whom they should see. In order to have the title of Family Practice you must have a doctorate degree in medicine and up to eight years or more of experience in the field or in a related field
            One reason I want to be a Family Practice doctor is that I am fascinated by how we have figured out a way to make those who feel bad, better. I have always loved to play with needles and even try to give my toys shots. I would love to be able to help those who are also sick but still have not been able to get better because there is no cure. Every year we advance a little further into the world of Medicine by making new inventions that could cure faster and better than before. Being a part of this would be very exciting and challenging.
            Another reason I would like to be Doctor is the education needed.   For most positions you need only a bachelors degree and some only a high school diploma.   I do plan on going to college but if I want to have the job that does not require a bachelor’s degree than I am better off just staying where I am.   Many colleges offer Doctorate programs, for which I will not have any trouble finding one to apply to.   I think I will enjoy learning about the history and methods of medicine and ways to cure humans wherever I go to college.  
            The final reason is the salary. The income of doctors varies for different types of doctors but their annual salary has been increasing year after year. Family Practice doctor or doctors in general that are fresh out of college make an average of 100,000 dollars a year.   This might seem like very little but this is when you just come out of college with no experience.   As you move up in rank and achieve a master’s degree, you can earn around 150,000 dollars per year.   With even more experience and a doctorate, you can earn up to about 200,000 dollars per year, and I would get to earn this kind of money doing the thing I love, helping those who are in a case of a medical emergency.
            I think that being a Family Doctor would be great. Even though it will take a lot of work, I will still be having fun.  Ever since I was very little, I always loved playing with needles and things that had to do with medicine. Therefore, I guess I grew up liking to make those who are sick and feel bad, improve their health.   Even today, if I see someone get hurt I try to see what I could to help even though I am not certified, but always thinking that one day I will be a Family Practice Doctor.
Outubro 11, 2006
The Perfect First Day at Work
          Beginning a new job is never easy, especially when you will be working with men. In the other hand, for me, my first day at Lazaro Radiators was perfect. I would have never imagined it to be any good.
          It all began when I got a phone call from a friend telling me that they needed a secretary. Since she knew who I was, they took it as a recommendation, for which I was ready to start that same day.
          Here is how my first hour working went. As soon as I walked through the door, I felt nervous; all eyes were on me! It was not because I was not welcomed, but because they though of me as a girl, who would succeed at the position they had available. After a while, I got confident and comfortable and was ready to learn.
          After the hours passed by I started to learn, my duties at the office. It was great because I did not have to do much. Very opposite to what I though I would have to do. As time passed by, I started thinking of this job as the perfect one. I was welcome and my duties were not much.
          To sum up, my first day at Lazaro Radiators was perfect because even though it was hard to start a new job, my day ended up great. I was welcomed, I had a new job and most important I did not have many duties
Outubro 16, 2006
          Speeding, tailgating, giving the finger, and outright violence. Each day Americans grow more and more likely to take out their personal frustrations on other drivers. Driving is a curious combination of public and private acts. A car separates a driver from the world even as it carries him through it. Aggressive driving includes such things as illegal or improper lane changes or turns, failing to stop or yield right of way, excessive speeds, and an assortment of gestures, looks and verbally abusive language. I have researched aggressive driving, and have been involved in aggressive driving. Everyday we have to deal with these people on our roads. We run a great risk just driving around the corner to go to the store or a quiet trip to church. According to U.S. News and World Report, the U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that two-thirds of fatalities are at least partially caused by aggressive driving. Fortunately, we can do something about it.
           To overcome driving dangers we must first understand it. I would like to share with you the problem, the dangers and the solutions for this growing trend. The major cause of driving is the rude or distracted driver. The number one cause is probably the “left-lane hog”, according to a story in the Amarillo Daily News. Other rude driving behaviors include failure to signal before a lane change, changing lanes too closely to other drivers and tailgating. Reduced enforcement, highway traffic, congestion or personal issues also play a large role in the character of the driver. The angry driver then may demonstrate his anger by speeding around the other vehicle, cutting the other driver off or with a number of verbal and nonverbal messages. Though the driver may feel justified in his or her action, this kind of display is most times very dangerous and often will result in damage to the vehicles, the drivers and nonverbal messages.
           As mentioned before, two-thirds of the 42,000 highway deaths last year were related to aggressive driving. In a recent member survey by the American Automobile Association, motorists named aggressive driving as their top concern on the roads. Drivers fear the aggressive driver (44%) more than they fear the drunk driver (31%). For years the highway safety spotlight has been focused on the impaired driver, the speeding driver and the unbelted driver and passengers,” said National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator Ricardo Martinez. Today we must add the aggressive driver to the list of those contributing to the problems on our nation's highways. According to a story in Time magazine, “Very few drivers admit to being an obnoxious road warrior.” There seems to be only three types of people on the road these days: the insane (those who drive faster than you do), the moronic (those who drive slower than you do) and you. You may be familiar with the recently popular phrase “road rage.” Road rage is when the aggressive driver goes to the extreme and may involve using a weapon whether it is the vehicle itself or a gun kept under the seat. These kinds of incidents have also been on a steady rise. What can we do then to make sure that not only we are not victims of aggressive drivers but become one ourselves?
            There are really two types of solutions: one for the victim and one for the performer. According to a story in the Journal Star newspaper of Peoria, IL, here are some suggestions that AAA makes as to how drivers can avoid being the target of driver aggression: Not blocking the passing lane; Maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you; First signaling your intentions when changing lanes and making sure you don't cut someone off when you move over; Do not give in to displaying obscene gestures; Use your horn sparingly; Avoid the right hand lane if you are not turning right; Don't take up more than one space when parking and don't park in a handicapped space; Keep your headlights on low beam and don't get even with high beams. Now if on the other hand, you are the one late for work or just cannot wait to get home from a long week at work you may want to consider these suggestions. Understand that you cannot control traffic, but you can control your reactions to it. Give the other driver the benefit of the doubt. Before reacting to another driver's mistake, ask yourself, “How many times have I made the same mistake?” Before starting anything, ask yourself, “Is it worth getting injured or killed? Is it worth a fine, jail or a lawsuit?” How stupid will you feel when you are pulled over and the other driver waves as they pass you down the road?
            Today we have looked at the trend of aggressive driving or driving dangers. .We has seen that it is a growing problem in our nation. That it creates a very real problem to our everyday lives. And that there are things we all should do to make sure that we do not fall victim to this problem. So the next time you are driving down the road minding your own business and you get cutoff, make sure this in the only finger you give.
Dezembro 6, 2006
Missouri National Guardsmen knocked on doors to make sure people were safe.We've had some ice storms before. This one puts them to shame," said Ron Zdellar, vice president of energy for subsidiary AmerenUE, who has worked for the company for 35 years.Temporary help has come from 14 states, but even as crews put in 16-hour days, cold temperatures, icy poles, downed lines and brittle trees were making the restoration process a difficult one following Thursday night's ice storm.The storm spread ice and deep snow from Texas to Michigan and then blew through the Northeast late Friday and early Saturday. Thousands of travelers were stranded by canceled flights, highways clogged by abandoned vehicles and stalled trains.Trees throughout the region were glazed with a thick coat of ice that reflected the sunlight and also snapped tree limbs, bringing power lines down with them."It's slow," said repairman Bernie Kutz, after completing a job in south St. Louis.Fire officials found deadly levels of carbon monoxide in their home. A 56-year-old man may have suffered hypothermia, and an 81-year-old man was found dead at the bottom of his home's stairs."This is not over. As long as the power is still out, there are still people at risk," St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay said.In Peoria, Ill., fire officials urged homeowners to check their roofs after a nursing home ceiling collapsed, injuring four residents.
Dezembro 6, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Humans Right

HUMAN RIGHTS:Do you guys know the varieties of human rights in the world? Well I didn’t.I think this web page helped me realize that there is a lot of racism going on the world. This page helps you understand that no matter what color you are, what background you come from, we are all humans and we are all different the only person that can judge us is god and he doesn’t, he knows how to forgive and he loves everyone equally.In conclusion we should all learned how to like everyone with there good and bad things.That’s what this whole page is about.
Fevereiro 28, 2007
 Passed away on February 28, 2007.   Cuando tenga que dejarte por un corto tiempo, por favor no te entristezcas ni derrames lagrimas, ni te abraces a tu pena a traves de los años ; por el contrario empieza de nuevo con valentia  y con una sonrisa por mi memoria y en mi nombre vive tu vida igual que antes. no alimentes tu soledad con dias vacios; sino llena cada hora de manera util. extiende tu mano para confortar y dar animo y en cambio yo te confortare y te tendre cerca de mi  y nunca tengas miedo de morir porque yo estare esperandote en el cielo
Março 1, 2007
Março 1, 2007
Março 1, 2007
Abril 19, 2008
Querida Hija: Cada Hija es un regalo que nos otorga la vida ,porque cada desvelo que necesita es totalmente recompensado con la ternura , el amor y la dicha que brinda,y el legitimo orgullo de verla crecer y pasar de ser niña a ser mujer. Hoy es tu cumpleaños y te recordamos con todo nuestro amor.
Fevereiro 28, 2009
El hombre no muere, sino que su esencia sufre una transformación tan grande que nuestros ojos de barro ya no lo pueden ver. ... Lloramos por los difuntos, pero ninguno murió. Los encontraremos a todos". (Vicente Ferrer)